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Your #1 community for graphics, layouts, glitter text, animated backgrounds and more.

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Happy New Year Everyone!
Happy New Year, guys! :-) This year's greeting card was made by tawfikiya. You can see the other cool entries in this gallery.

Written by Serhat on 2011-01-01(33 comments)
Mini challenge #3!
Here's a new mini contest: design a GG greeting card to express good wishes to all. Preferable format: 300 by 250 pixels. Use the tag: contest3.
Written by Serhat on 2010-12-23(43 comments)
Please add us on facebook
If you're on facebook, please go to this page and click the like button :-) We'll use it for official announcements. You might also like to join one of the GG groups and fan pages. More to follow...
Written by Serhat on 2010-12-05(31 comments)
Idea for making moderation much faster (please comment!)
Just an idea: we can let all users with 1000+ approved graphics vote on the moderation queue. If a graphic is approved by, say, 10 different people, it'll be automatically shown in the public galleries with "pre-mod" status. So mods may still alter it or reject it later on, but you won't have to wait for approvals anymore.

What do you guys think? Is this something that would work for you?

Update: dropped the 1000+ graphics requirement.
Written by Serhat on 2010-06-16(246 comments)
Tiny update: you can now set gallery sizes
You can now choose how many graphics you see per page in the graphic galleries. You can also adjust it in the URL if you wish.

This it not the world's biggest update, but it should make some people happy :-)
Written by Serhat on 2010-06-13(37 comments)
Mini challenge #2: design the next GG background
The current background (snow crystals) is a bit old, right? So how about making a better one? :-) We actually want 3 types of backgrounds:

1) Quiet and simple (like what we had)
2) Bit busier, but still doesn't attract all the attention
3) Very busy, lots of contrast

We'll make a little button so that everyone can choose the background with which *they* like to browse the site.

Here are the rules:

1. Upload your contribution to GG, preferably the backgrounds category.
2. Include the tag contest2 (this is what we use to find contributions)
3. Try to keep the file size down; if you're making an animated GIF, try to keep the framerate reasonable

That's it! You guys can then vote on the contributions and we'll pick from the highest rated ones.

Update: voting starts at March 15th (or once there are enough uploads to pick from) and ends on March 25 (my birthday :-))

Update 2: here's the gallery of contributions

Update 3: Contest is now closed. Changes will be made this weekend.
Written by Serhat on 2010-03-11(387 comments)
Mini challenge: design a 300x250 GG ad
Here's a challenge for all you artists out there: design a 300x250px image that advertises some aspect of GG. It can be your own profile or club, as long as it's creative.

We will run at least 10 of the best contributions in the regular ad boxes, mixed with the normal ads. This should give you some nice traffic.

The dimensions must be 300 by 250 pixels; static format (not animated GIF) is preferred. Total file size should preferably also be small.

UPDATE: this competition is now closed. Contributions that will be used can be found here
Written by Serhat on 2010-03-05(128 comments)
What would you spend your money on if you won the lottery?
Traveling the world
Charity / Organization
Cool new house
An amusement park
Loads of books
Your school and make yourself Head Teacher
Cars for yourself and all your friends
PR campaign to make yourself a celebrity
Making a movie (with yourself as the star)
Something boring but responsible and smart
Search the perfect graphic for Myspace, hi5, etc: